Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Urban Arts

Zachary Clark
Zachary Clark
Peter Hocking

This should be basically the first official post and with it why not bring basically the birthplace or realization of my dream. When in the 11th grade I joined New Urban Arts' poetry group and gained skill in spoken word poetry. This helped tremendously with writing my music and generating the style I have today.

Enough about me though...New Urban Arts is a wonderful place for all Providence Youth, not just the misunderstood ones lol, to express creative talents, dreams and just have a home away from home..a getaway..maybe a perfect place to fashion a dream. 

At this "facility/workshop/studio/hangout" teens and mentors work on photography, drawing, painting, poetry and fashion designing. Above are some pictures of some artwork and below a link to the New Urban Arts website. I definitely want to give a shout out to the people who created New Urban Arts and to my poetry group (Richard, Phil, Acacia, Kendell, many others whos names I didn't remember.)